Sun Zero Blackout Curtains are created using special yarns that are tightly woven into fashion fabrics for a superior light blocking product.
Light Blocking
- Blocks over 99% of light
- Whether it is sunlight, headlights or street lights, Sun Zero Blackout curtains will keep unwanted light out of your room
Energy Efficient
- Windows can account for 10-25% of a home’s energy loss
- Sun Zero Blackout Curtains can reduce the energy lost through your windows by up to 30%.
Noise Reducing
- Reduces outside noise by up to 42%.[asterisk]
- Sun Zero Curtains are a sleep saver if you live on a busy street or have lots of outside noise in your neighborhood. They will help you get a sounder, better, more uninterrupted sleep.
Keep out heat & cold
- Stay Warm! Stay Cool!
- Sun Zero helps to keep summer heat & winter chill out of your home.